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Capacity changed by 0% in the past week
Amount of channels changed by 0% in the past week
Amount of nodes changed by 0% in the past week

Liquidity Automation

Deployed Liquidity

- sats

Managed Nodes


Managed Capacity

- sats

Lightning Marketplace

Sats Earned

- sats

Channels Opened


Liquidity Deployed


Average APR


Latest APR



Lightning Network
request decoder

Unpack the data within lightning network requests into individual elements.

Lightning Address

Sats Calculator

Denominate value in different currencies using real-time rates against bitcoin or sats.

What are sats?

Sats, or satoshis are fractions of a bitcoin equal to one 100 millionth of a bitcoin. Sats are a convenient way to express bitcoin quantities without using decimals.



** Real-time rates and price quotes may be delayed and are refreshed every 30 seconds.

Big Movers


Capacity Increase


Channel Increase


Popular Nodes


Capacity Decrease

Channel Decrease

Latest Claimed Nodes

Big Players

Verified Ownership

Party Up

Work together to improve the lightning network. Gain access to dedicated communities with approved members.

- communities.

Keysend Billboard

Keysend us a message and it will appear here! Messages are sorted by amount of sats sent and how recent it was.

Our Public Key
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